08 April 2010

#40 : Mudcake Cookies Sandwiches

I knew when I first saw these cookies, I had to make them. They were so cute with the heart-shaped cocoa powder. It was the main reason I bought the recipe book. Then I went around to look for the heart templates and finally found it. These cookies sandwiches were actually easy to make. They just needed a quite long process : baking the cookies, making the ganache and baking the mudcake. My apartment really smelled chocolate last night when I made these babies. My sister loved them. Well for me they were just okay. Too chocolate-y. Or maybe it was because I made them and the smell of them made me kind of sick.
Another thing which was quite tricky was the cookie cutting. The batches needed to be really cold and stiff, otherwise you can't cut them properly. First batch that I baked were lousy. It was getting better and better after a few batches (My oven is small so I can't bake them altogether).


template by suckmylolly.com